Wednesday, October 22, 2014

75 Years of Tips and Tricks of the Beauty Industry 1875-1950

This week are changing it up a bit, doing something that we have never done before! Recherch'e Organics is paying tribute to all of the tip's and tricks of the Beauty Industry, and the lengths women of past eras have gone to "maintain" or "create" natural beauty!  Within the Victorian society it was considered a woman's duty to make herself pleasant to look upon. Women have, and still do, go to great lengths to find that "elixir of youth and beauty".  Below are many examples as to the lengths women have gone to make themselves appealing to and fit societal desires.

"Upon the impression you constantly make rests the failure or success of your life". Touted M. Trilety  creator of the "nose shaper! This item was popular by both men and women from the late 1800's through the early 1920's!

The Electric Massage Roller, an "all in one" machine!  This was a woman's best friend, helping reduce wrinkles,  rid the face of blemishes, built muscle, and could even "take a pound a day" off of the owner of this fine gadget. 

The "Curves of Youth" Offending Chin Reducer... name says it all for this machine. A $10.00 investment (in the late 1800's) and you too can forever have the jaw line and neck line of youth...

Dimples have been the envy of many a woman who's face is not endowed with such a mark of beauty.  This contraption was touted to give any and all dimples precisely where they were wanted. 

Giving your self spankings on "fleshy" places, body over, was said to reduce cellulite and take away extra and unwanted poundage.  This little bit of advice was given clear into the 1950's as a plausible way to get the figure "any woman" would want!

These add's attest to the lengths women have sought, for ages,  grasping for a beauty not their own.  My hopes here is that the absurdity of each of these clips shed a little light on the beauty we each DO have!  Maybe you were able to laugh a little, maybe you felt a little heart broken and weary after reading the lengths that women have been "made" to go, and also it is very possible to just shrug it off as the craziness of by gone eras. What ever your response andopinion is of these photo's and advertisements may be, hopefully it will help you look on your own beauty regiment with a little more clarity, from a more objective stand point.

Until Next Time,
Recherch'e Organics

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